Hi, I’m Michal!

I’m so glad you’re here.

No matter where you are now, I believe joy is your birthright.

I believe we all have the potential for unlimited growth, compassion, wisdom, fulfillment, strength, excitement, freedom, authenticity, purpose, joy, ease, resilience, and love.

Throughout my life, I’ve been blessed by an abundance of support from mentors, coaches, teachers, trainers, and guides. They have brought so much light and insight into my life, and as a coach I aim to share that same light with you.

What exactly is a life coach?

Don’t worry, I'm not here to tell you how to live your life.

Being a life coach does not mean I’m better at life than you or have all the answers.

I believe that YOU are the expert in your own life, and I’m just here to guide you back to that expertise.

As your coach, I offer a non-biased outside perspective from which I can point out patterns and opportunities you might miss while living your life from the inside.

I’m here to facilitate, support, question, challenge, encourage, empower and inspire you as you move towards whatever YOUR version of success is.

I'm here to offer possible strategies to reach your goals, and provide the accountability so you can make it happen.

We’ll explore the underlying mental and emotional patterns that direct your life, and help you let go of the ones that hold you back while creating new patterns that empower you and pull you towards the life you want.

It is my job to believe in you, to see the best in you, and to support you in bringing your vision to life.

My story.

Hardships are opportunities in disguise, giving us the impetus we need to build spiritual strength, resilience, and transformation. I’ve seen it in so many others, and experienced it in my own life too.

As a teenager, I battled depression and an eating disorder for several years, and thought I would never find a way out. However, I was fortunate enough to discover yoga and meditation when I was 15, and eventually found ease in being present with my body rather than running from discomfort and pain. At that time I also immersed myself in the study of philosophy, turning to great thinkers of the past for answers to the big questions of life.

I spent my first few years of adulthood traveling and studying homesteading and permaculture across Asia and North America in the pursuit of sustainable living. During my travels, I noticed that no matter how idyllic people’s living situations, the quality of their lives depended entirely on the quality of their relationships - most importantly, their relationships with themselves.

My focus gradually broadened from environmental and nutritional health to wellbeing as a whole. I constantly asked - what do we need to live joyful, fulfilling lives? What are the tools to help us get there?

In pursuit of these questions, I completed my 200-hr yoga teacher certification through Asheville Yoga Center and a Personal Trainer certification through the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I returned to school to complete a bachelor’s degree in Family Science, the study of psychology and sociology with a focus on families and relationships. I also began training, and now coaching and competing, in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, a grappling martial art that fosters emotional resilience & confidence in an intensely embodied way.

I’ve studied hypnosis and integrate that with an emphasis on mindfulness. I’m a certified Integrative Changeworker through the Ethical Coaching Collective. I’m trained in Somatic Experiencing through Somatic Experiencing International. My coaching style is also influenced by Internal Family Systems and The Work of Byron Katie.

Let’s be friends!

Follow me on Instagram for regular inspiration and updates.