-rewire your nervous system for ease & joy-

1:1 hypnosis & somatic coaching

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Dear friend,

I know there’s a lot going on right now.

You’re feeling stressed, anxious, overwhelmed, or like your nervous system is running old programs that just aren’t working anymore...

...You’re tired of having the same argument with your spouse...

...You’re tired of losing hours scrolling endlessly on your phone...

...You’re tired of waking up in the morning dreading another day feeling chaotic and lost...

You realize that life is precious, and you’re longing to make the most of it, but you’re not sure where to start.

It’s hard to get a clear perspective when you’re caught up in the day-to-day of your own life.

And you’re not alone!

Modern life can be exhausting.

Your relationships, work conditions, and culture at large put what feels like an impossible burden on you to do more, be more, buy more, and just smile and be happy while you’re at it.

Your nervous system just isn’t built to take this kind of constant pressure, and there’s a good chance you were never taught the tools that can help you adapt and even thrive.

But it doesn’t have to be this way, and you don’t have to do it alone.

When you feel seen, understood, accepted, and loved, deep levels of transformation and healing become possible.

Whether you want to…

  • nurture a harmonious, passionate, loving relationship with your partner

  • cultivate a work-life balance that nourishes your soul and your bank account,

  • navigate a big life transition like moving to a new place or starting a new job,

  • develop the capacity to move through life with less anxiety and stress,

I would love to support you as you move towards the future you know is calling you.

Book an alignment call to see if we’re a good fit for my 6-month 1:1 DEEP PRESENCE coaching package

Michal makes coaching easy. She creates a safe space that encourages openness and vulnerability.

She asks thought-provoking questions and challenges the stories I have been telling myself. I have been able to express myself without fear and judgment and more importantly, I have felt heard.

She is caring, empathetic and provides meaningful insights and observations. However, she is also action-oriented and future focused - and I need that.

I would highly recommend her to anyone seeking greater clarity, perspective and who is willing to invest the work to find the answers within themselves. She is an able, heart-led coach who is dedicated to serving others.”

-Jude Clyke, Youth Mentor & Coach

My Approach

As a trained hypnotist and somatic coach, I can help you re-wire and update your nervous system so that every day feels infused with ease and joy, even in the face of difficulty, stress, and grief.

I’ll be there as unequivocal, unconditional support, cheering you on and helping you bring compassion to the parts of you that are hurting.

Having me as your coach is like burning a scented candle in the background - there’s a warmth and a sweetness that starts to permeate every area of your life.

Our work will encompass many layers - we’ll practice somatic healing to address old inner wounds, we’ll use hypnosis to re-wire the deeper patterns of your unconscious mind, and we’ll create tangible, specific plans with built-in accountability and support so that your new ways of feeling and being can translate into reality.

Tapping into the wisdom of your unconscious mind changes everything. 

We won’t just talk about strategy, and we won’t be limited to only emotional/somatic work either.

Our work together will bridge the practical and the magical, the mystical and the tangible.

We will…

  • use tools from hypnosis and other modalities to tap into the bigger wisdom that lies beyond the confines of your rational mind (whether you call it God, Spirit, the universe, your ancestors, your soma, or your subconscious)

  • re-wire the deeper layers of your nervous system so that stability, comfort, growth, and love can start to feel safe and good

  • create plans for how you’ll implement your insights so that new ways of feeling can translate into your work, your relationships, and your daily habits and routines.

  • brainstorm & share strategies, insights, questions, and perspectives to help you move forward, while always honoring your own sense of inner knowing.

After one session…I could feel how relaxed, at ease, and connected I felt to the moment I was experiencing.”

Ashleigh Henry,

“Michal is compassionate, patient, and has a way of asking the right questions that lead you to self realisation. Our work together gave me greater clarity on my business (and myself), and helped reframe my limited beliefs to possibilities. I feel more aligned, confident and closer to my goals.”

Helen L, Life Coach

Let me be a light along your path…

Hi! I’m Michal.

(pronounced just like “Michael”)

I’m so glad you’re here.

I’m a trained hypnotist and somatic coach, and I’m here to help you heal and reconnect to your inner wisdom, presence, and power through the magic of your unconscious mind.

I love slow mornings, the sound of crunchy fall leaves underfoot, traveling solo to new places, and dancing to Beyoncé.  

My favorite hobby involves pretending I’m a ninja and strangling my friends (check out “Brazilian Jiu Jitsu”). 

But my greatest joy is seeing people transform their inner paradigms from chaos and stress to a radiant state of ease and joy. 

And that’s not always an easy shift.

I know, because I’ve been there.

Over the past twelve years, I struggled with body shame, religious trauma, family conflict, and toxic relationships, and for a while I felt like there was no way out. 

The darkest days were the ones when I thought I had to do it all alone. 

In pursuit of healing and answers, I traveled the world and dived into an immersive study of tools, philosophies, and practices that helped foster emotional resilience, relational health, and holistic wellbeing.

Between yoga, psychology, martial arts, permaculture, hypnosis, somatic experiencing, parts work, and mindfulness, I developed a unique and powerful approach that I’ve integrated to support my own healing and growth.

I learned to utilize the skills, compassion, and attention I cultivated over the years to re-wire old patterns, shift old emotional habits, and actually choose how I want to feel and respond in the moments that matter most.

And I would love to help you do the same.

The details of some of my trainings and education…

  • 200-hr Yoga Teacher Training (Asheville Yoga Center, 2018)

  • Certified Personal Trainer (National Academy of Sports Medicine, 2019)

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Family Science (ie the psychology of relationships) (Utah Valley University, 2022)

  • Certified Integrative Changeworker (Ethical Coaching Collective, Melissa Tiers & Simone Seol, 2022)

  • Certified Hypnotist (Center for Integrative Hypnosis, 2022) 

  • Somatic Experiencing Level I (Somatic Experiencing International, 2022)

Other influences include:

  • The Work of Byron Katie

  • Internal Family Systems from Richard Schwartz

  • Existential Kink by Carolyn Eliot

What’s included in DEEP PRESENCE

1:1 Coaching Calls

Receive live coaching, hypnosis, and somatic support through 19 virtual sessions over 6 months.

These calls are where we can dig deep into healing and rewiring the old patterns that had been keeping you stuck.

Text & Voice Message

Sustainable growth and healing thrives with consistent check-ins.

In between our live sessions, you can share insights and progress, ask questions, and receive support via text and voice messages on the Telegram app, M-Th.

Extra resources

Receive personalized PDF worksheets, recorded meditations and guided hypnosis, journal prompts, and more.

These will help you continue taking those small daily steps towards change that create truly sustainable growth.

The details of 1:1 DEEP PRESENCE

  • Start by booking a free 30-minute alignment call.

    We’ll dive into somatics and hypnosis to help you create nervous system shifts right away, and you’re welcome to ask any questions.

    Alignment calls are only for clients who are serious about working together.

  • If we decide to work together, you’ll receive an in-depth intake form to help you get clear on where you are and where you want to go.

    You’ll also get access to a library of worksheets and recorded meditations to help with goal setting, journaling, and nervous system support.

  • This package includes 19 virtual coaching sessions over 6 months, which you are welcome to spread out as you choose.

    (I recommend starting with weekly sessions and gradually spacing them out.)

    We’ll meet for 90 minutes at our first and last sessions, otherwise, sessions will typically last an hour.

  • In addition to our calls, I offer text and voice message coaching via the Telegram app, M-Th.

    I find that the opportunity to ask questions, share progress, and simply be in conversation throughout the week can be a huge layer of support.

    I am generally available to respond within 24-36 hours.

  • During each call, I will take notes on what we go over and what your next action steps are, and you will have access to these notes on a shared Google Doc.

  • DEEP PRESENCE is my most intimate and multi-layered level of support.

    The 6-month commitment is an extra layer of support that allows us to go deep and push through the obstacles that tend to come up as your grow.

    The cost is $675/month for a transformative 6-month journey.

  • "I love the positive energy that Michal exudes ~ you can't help but smile when you're around her! I'd even pay just to be around her cheery presence! The efficient, transformative results on top of that are just priceless."

    Erin Ha, Finance Professional & Coach

✺ Frequently asked questions ✺

  • This life coaching package is for anyone who is ready to be vulnerable, courageous, and make BIG changes in their life. It’s for people who want consistent support that is both compassionate and effective.

  • Together, we can shift patterns and reach goals across many areas of your life, including intimate relationships, work or business, health and fitness, daily routines, creative projects, and simply reducing the anxiety and stress of daily life.

    Please note - I am not a licensed mental health professional, and I do not diagnose or treat mental illness.

  • Deep Presence includes 17 one-hour live coaching sessions, plus 2 90-minute sessions at the beginning and end of our time together.

    This package also includes access to me via the Telegram app, M-Th.

    Additionally, you will have access to worksheets, meditations, and hypnosis recordings to help you practice and deepen the work on your own.

  • I recommend starting off with meeting once a week, then tapering to three or two times a month as you build momentum.

  • I treat every client as an individual and adjust my approach to their needs.

    My approach is trauma-informed, somatically-informed, and rooted in a belief in everyone’s inherent brilliance and power. While I often offer tangible strategies, the real power of our work lies in the somatic/unconscious shifts we create through inquiry, trance work, and somatic healing.

  • Follow one of the links on this page to book your free consult call, where I’ll offer a mini session, and you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions.

    If we decide it’s a good fit, we’ll set up monthly payments, and I’ll send over an in-depth intake form to give us a starting point.

    If you sign up in December 2023, we won’t begin our first live sessions until Jan 2024.

Clarity is waiting.

Healing is possible.

Book your free alignment call now.

Spots are limited and filled on a rolling basis.