Do you follow through?
I went for a walk today!
It feels like a big deal. I've been telling myself I'd take more solo walks for months now, but never did because I felt too busy or too cold or too sore or just too sorry for myself. There was always some excuse.
But lately I've found a way to override my excuses, a kind of magic, in the form of words.
So many of us lose faith in our words, spending years saying we "should" do things or that we "will", but we continue putting them off indefinitely. Would you trust someone who never did the things they said they would?
No wonder we can feel stuck.
The way through? Pick one thing you know you should do regularly, keeping it small and manageable, and DO IT.
Maybe it's going for a walk, or drinking a glass of water, or stretching for 5 minutes - it doesn't matter how insignificant it might feel. The important thing is that you turn your words into action. Magic. ✨
When you consistently do the things you say you will, or even better, what you write you will, you build a habit of consistency and commitment. You teach your brain that your word is MEANINGFUL, and you learn to trust what you say.
Just like putting in reps at the gym builds strength and technique, every time you keep your word to yourself, you strengthen that neural pathway of integrity, of honoring your word, and gradually build the power of your word by increasing your own faith in it.
If you want to see it happen - write it down, follow through 🪄